Owen Boyd

If I’m asked what I do, the answer inevitably involves photography.
Making pictures with light has been my passion since a very early age.
A long career in the reprographic industry led to me becoming something of an aficionado of photographic colour printing.
I ran a Cibachrome printing business for many years, until that technology, like so many others, made way for the digital revolution.

Unlike some of my generation, I decided not to turn my back on photography with the demise of the professional darkroom, and instead took on the challenge of teaching college students the delights and wonders of the darkroom and the digital. I found I really was in my element helping students find their way around constantly evolving photographic techniques and aesthetic practice.

I’ve long had an affinity with the moving image, as well as stills, and I’ve worked with the technologies as they progressed, from 8mm cine, through video, and now the wonders possible with digital shooting and editing.

Not everyone involved in the photo industry, even those who teach photography for a living, take that many photographs themselves - the busman’s holiday effect. Well I really do.
I just take photos all the time - with a ‘proper camera’, with a phone, with a drone. 18,000 photos in 2024.
I just love photography, all of it.